Recent studies have shown the effects of intestinal microbiota in the development of the immune system and intestinal architecture [68,69]
Recent studies have shown the effects of intestinal microbiota in the development of the immune system and intestinal architecture [68,69]. present review focuses on the latest findings and current opinions and perspectives on MTCT of HTLV-1. [11] reported that breastfeeding beyond 12 months was associated with a transmission rate of 32%, compared to a transmission rate of 9% for shorter breastfeeding durations. Similarly, Takahashi [12] showed that a six-month duration of breastfeeding was a critical point in the rate of seroconversion, since rates of 4.4% and 14.4% were found for children that had been breastfed for periods under six months or over seven months, respectively. A major piece of evidence supporting HTLV-1 transmission through breastfeeding has been brought in the 1980s in Japan, where Hino and coworkers started a pilot study to screen HOE 32021 pregnant women in Nagasaki Prefecture for anti-HTLV-1 antibodies (for a review, see [13]). HTLV-1 prevalence was around 4%. Interestingly, HOE 32021 HTLV-1 prevalence among the elder children of the HTLV-1 carrier mothers was approximately 20%, and mothers of the HTLV-1 positive children were usually HTLV-1 positive (92%), thus showing evidence of MTCT. More importantly, in 1987, the ATLL Prevention Program Nagasaki, which aimed to refrain seropositive mothers from breastfeeding in the Nagasaki Prefecture, resulted in a huge reduction of HTLV-1 MTCT from 20.3% to 2.5% [14]. The major importance of breastfeeding in HTLV-1 MTCT was later confirmed in Fam162a other areas [15]. Of note, this residual rate (2.5%) of MTCT in the absence of breastfeeding raised the possibility of minor secondary routes, such as contamination during delivery, or intrauterine transmission. This latter route remains controversial, since contradictory studies on the presence of HTLV-1 in cord-blood samples from seropositive babies have been reported [16,17,18]. From a virological point of view, it is known that many retroviruses may be transmitted via breast milk, such as Moloney murine leukemia virus [19,20], Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus [21], or Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus [22]. Concerning HTLV-1, viral antigens [23], and HOE 32021 antibodies to HTLV-1 were found in the milk of seropositive mothers [24]. The proviral load in breast milk is strongly predictive of the risk of MTCT, increasing from 4.7/1000 person-months for a provirus load in milk lower than 0.18% to 28.7/1000 person-months for a provirus load higher than 1.5% [25]. From an experimental point of view, oral inoculation of peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated from ATLL patients to adult common marmosets ([30] as well as [31,32], except for dendritic cells that can be infected directly with cell-free HTLV-1 virions [33]. Cell free virions have not been detected so far in breast milk, thus the potential source of infection in breast milk may come from infected cells, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, or breast epithelial mammary cells. Since it has been estimated that breastfed children ingest an HOE 32021 average of 108 leucocytes a day, considering prolonged breastfeeding [34,35], infected lymphocytes could provide a strong source of infection in milk [36]. HTLV-1 infected mononuclear cells can be found in the milk from seropositive mothers during early lactation [23,37]. Of note, cellular components in breast milk can be found even after long-term lactation (over 5 years) [38], even if the ratio between the different cell types varies along the time: for example, the major part of cells in mothers early milk and colostrum is constituted of macrophages [39]. It has been found that leukocytes and epithelial cells from the mammary gland are susceptible to HTLV-1 infection [38]. This observation was confirmed by the evidence that mammary basal epithelial cells can be productively infected with HTLV-1 and are able to transfer infection to peripheral blood lymphocytes HOE 32021 [40,41]. In addition,.